Dynamic Health ®
Our flagship product, Dynamic Health®, provides a fully web-based case management EMR (Electronic Medical Records) system specifically designed for mental health services.
It is a communication and information tool for Client support and eTherapy that enables mental health services to improve the ways they connect with and support the people who use their services. It makes it easier for people looking for support to access the people providing support.
The system provides a single solution that includes features of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Electronic Medical/Health Records (EMR/EHR) and Call Centre Management.
The Dynamic Health platform includes a front-end public client portal for client interaction, a backend portal for support staff interaction and an enterprise class backend service to keep the whole system running.
The system integrates with 3rd party systems/services/channels like the central Australian Government ‘My Health Record’ system. It enables mental health services to connect service-to-service and also link with other and with the communication and information tools. It makes it easier for service to work together and make the most of modern technology. We also provide data conversions from 3rd party or legacy systems.
The design aspect has three components:
At the heart of the system is a secure clinical information bank that records the important details about the people accessing mental health services and the services they receive.
Knowledge is power, and the information collected in Dynamic Health supports mental health staff to comprehensively triage and know the people accessing support and for the organisation to understand and report on the community they serve.
For the people accessing support it means their recovery journey is known by the service – they do not have to re-tell their story time and again and can get support that’s personalised to their background and current situation.
The doorway to the system is broad and makes the most of modern technology. Known as ‘multi-channel communications’, Dynamic Health provides person-to-person communication via the following channels:
- 1:1 Web Chat
- Video Calling
- Whiteboarding
- Group Chat
- Text / SMS
- Integrated Phone support
- Face to Face
- Online Forms
- Online Referrals
- Online Consents
Every contact is logged next to a client’s information record which means that the records are ‘whole records’ – the personal details and services provided and communications are all sorted in the same place. One person, one record and all ring-fenced within the secure boundaries of the system.
The final piece of the jigsaw is the most important – the mental health service itself. Who do you serve and what do you provide? Dynamic Health provides a flexible system of clinical notes & forms and workflow that is designed by the services to best represent what they do. The system is purposefully ‘service neutral’ so any age group, cultural group, mental health or service modality can be supported. This means the system is tailored to the service, even if a single mental health service provides multiple different services.
Dynamic Health is currently being used by large service providers in Australia and Europe.
The system was developed as a web-based system with a computer internet browser-friendly back office module and an iPad-friendly questionnaire module that is utilised by patients within a clinic.
We developed a sophisticated dynamic questionnaire engine and reporting tool to cater for the complex branching and reporting requirements.
PPSR Cloud
MHI designed, developed ad support a new cloud-based SaaS PPSR platform from the ground up for PPSR Cloud, a new Personal Property Securities Register start-up provider. Given that we have 10+ years experience in PPSR data management across both Australia and New Zealand, we are certain that this is the most modern and most powerful PPSR data management platform covering both Australia and New Zealand in a single platform.
Equifax powers the financial future of individuals and organisations around the world. Using the combined strength of unique trusted data, technology and innovative analytics, Equifax has grown from a consumer credit company into a leading provider of insights and knowledge that helps its customers make informed decisions. The company organises, assimilates and analyses data on more than 820 million consumers and more than 91 million businesses worldwide, and its database includes employee data contributed from more than 6,600 employers.
MHI designed, developed and continue to enhance and support ESIS, the premier Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) cloud solution for the registration and search of PPSR security interests used by Equifax across Australia and New Zealand.
In conjunction with HealthTRX and the University of Auckland, Department of General Practise & Primary Health Care we developed the e-CHAT electronic form of the NZ-developed Case-finding and Help Assessment Tool (CHAT). This helps identify patients with lifestyle issues (such as problematic smoking, drinking, recreational drug use, gambling, exposure to abuse, physical inactivity) and mental health issues (depression, anxiety, difficulty with anger control). Patients can identity whether they want help with one or more of these issues and whether they would like this during the booked consultation or would like to come back later to deal with this.
XAVENTA Insurance Administration Platform
XAVENTA is a bespoke, state of the art solution aimed at MGAs/MGUs and intermediaries requiring a modern and secure platform to manage their risk business (Life, Non-Life, Health):
- Cloud based
- Accessible via PC and tablet
- Allows user to create own products
- Multiple layers of authorisation and control
- Dynamic Product Configuration
- GDPR compliant
- Affordable pricing: One-off implementation plus Pay-per-Use fee